Dr. Pertsinakis has published the following papers in greek and international journals regarding his research in the phenomenon of handwriting:
- “Effect of Visual Feedback on the Static and Kinematic Characteristics of Handwriting” – Journal of Forensic Document Examination – Vol. 27, 2017.
- “Effect of visual feedback in the static and kinematic characteristics of signatures” – Proceedings of IGS2017 Conference: Graphonomics for E-citizens.
- “Evaluating the effect of cataractous vision in the individual characteristics of handwriting” – Wroclaw University Press, Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego 44, 2017 Pages 87 – 100
- “Evaluating the effect of cataractous vision in the general characteristics of handwriting: its forensic implications” Acta Ophtalmologica, Special Issue 2010.
- “Forensic Document Examination on non original documents” – Radamanthis, Heraklion, 2005.
- “Contribution to the definition of the term Forensic Document Examiner – Data from the german jurisprudence in a comparative analysis to the greek law system” – Radamanthis, Heraklion, 2002.
- «Η περίπτωση του κρατούμενου Κ» [The case of prisoner K]–Ant. Sakoulas Publications, 2002. Appendix in the book "Εθνοπολιτισμικές συγκρούσεις στη φυλακή: Η περίπτωση της δικαστικής φυλακής Θεσσαλονίκης (Διαβατών)" by Dr. Ariadne Gerouki.